歡迎使用 SiteBar 整合工具箱。這個頁面將會幫助你使用 SiteBar 的大部份功能。 你可以在SiteBar首頁學到更多 SiteBar 的功能。

SiteBar 整合工具箱

SiteBar 是遵循標準設計而成的。在大部份有支援 Javascript 和 cookies 的瀏覽器上應該都能使用。以下的表格列出已被測試過的瀏覽器。

瀏覽器/分類 版本/平台
Mozilla Forefox 9.0/All [Homepage]
Konqueror 3.x/Linux [Homepage]
Opera Web Browser 9.5/WinXP [Homepage]
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0/Windows [Homepage]
Maxthon Tabbed Browser 1.1.120/WinXP [Homepage]
Linux各種版本/其它工具 Gentoo,Debian/PHP Layers Menu  


Linux Distro/Other Tools 的使用技巧/整合方法

提示 敘述
Gentoo Ebuild 執行指令 emerge sitebar 以安裝 SiteBar 套件。
Debian 執行指令 apt-get install sitebar 以安裝 SiteBar 套件。
PHP Layers Menu PHP Layers Menu is a hierarchical menu system to prepare "on the fly" DHTML menus relying on the PHP scripting engine for the processing of data items. SiteBar can serve provide bookmark feed in proper structure. In case fopen is allowed to open remote files, the following code will load file in proper structure: LayersMenu::setMenuStructureFile('https://my.sitebar.org/index.php?w=phplm')
SiteBar iframe The URL at the left side provides SiteBar in a <IFRAME>. It is suitable for embedding on various portals. Such as: Visit the portal, find a place where you can add content. Copy there this URL https://my.sitebar.org/iframe.php and a new gadget should be created (note that https is usually not supported by portals, you may, however, use https in the iframe.php). Note that your username/password is NOT exposed to the portal. MS IE users may need to allow cookies for the SiteBar server domain.
Google Widget Uses IFRAME too, but is customized for display on Google Personalized Homepage. Use Add stuff and this URL https://my.sitebar.org/google.php .

* Bookmarklet is a bookmark/favorite that contains JavaScript code. You can right click it and add to your bookmarks/favorites toolbar. Later click on this bookmark will execute the JavaScript code.

版權所有 � 2003-2005 Ondřej Brablc以及SiteBar 團隊。 技術支援 論壇錯誤報告